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Compatibility of Low Bend Singlemode Fibers


Compatibility of Low Bend Singlemode Fibers

The current migration of optical fibers closer to and even into the home has increased service providers interests in the new bend optimized fibers (low bend fibers). To verify their compatibility, the two most promising types, the trench assisted and the Nano Structured designs are discussed, and thoroughly investigated in respect of their performance and compatibility to standard singlemode fibers. In particular, in terms of splicing, processing, mechanical characteristics, and optical performance. As a result the trench assisted and Nano Structured fibers are confirmed to be good candidates for loss and bend critical application (such as indoor wiring) because of their much higher immunity to bending losses, yet remaining to a high degree compatible to the standard singlemode fibers. 

You can read the whole article as pdf: Compatibility-of-Low-Bend-Singlemode-Fibers-2.pdf


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