
We Have Employed 67 Interns in The Last Year.

التاريخ: 2023-07-11

We Have Employed 67 Interns in The Last Year

We Have Employed 67 Interns in The Last Year

In the past year, Samm Teknoloji has offered 67 young individuals with internship opportunities, and 7 of these interns have been hired on a full-time basis.

By involving our young talents in our personnel, we continue to contribute to the training of engineers who will contribute to the growth of Telecom, IT, R&D, and Heating projects inside our organization.

We Have Employed 67 Interns in The Last Year

About Samm Teknoloji

Samm Teknoloji is a manufacturing and engineering company with services in different sectors, especially fiber optic systems and IoT. It has many patents in fiber to the home infrastructure (FTTH) and Data Center equipment, and has developed a wide variety of products in its own field and presented it to the use of the industry.

In addition, it is among the leading companies with its services in turnkey electrical contracting works, heat tracing, and informatics sectors.


Samm, Samm Teknoloji, Foyer, FOTAS are registered Trademarks of SAMM Teknoloji A.S. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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