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Fiber Optic Products' Design, Engineering and Maintenance

Fiber Optic Products Design, Engineering and Maintenance

Fiber Optic Products Design, Engineering and Maintenance


The complete assembly of the products of SAMM can be provided upon request. Not only do we aim for adapting to competitive market conditions with our assembly team but also ensuring the correct usage of our products. Therefore, our company's philosophy is providing installation services with maximum advantage to our customers all the time, and also to supply the best quality and reliable products.


Our own fiber optic group provides internal and external installment of our products to any location, and we give additional services to ensure an accurate and reliable operation of fiber systems. Eventually, all these services keep guarantee the durability of projects and customers’ satisfaction. However, our installment branch is only responsible for our own products and does not install any other brands' products. We only do this to ensure installments are done professionally and on time.


Due to our experience in fiber optic business, we always keep product quality and service capabilities at the highest level. On the other hand, we work with subcontractors chosen perfectly to complete the installment of long distance network products.



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